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Here is an exhaustive list of what is included in this package to help you make the right decision.

Level 1 - Silver Package

£199 (UK Sterling)


Preparation manual - sent via email.

The Bridge’ Meditation, Remove the Story meditation and Merkaba Meditation - sent via email to download.

Archangel Metatron Attunement & Connection Spray - Hand made, containing clove, frankincense, sweet orange, clary sage, ylang ylang and palmarosa.
Archangel Sandalphon Spray - Hand made, containing amrys, marjoram, petitgrain and peppermint. 


hour pre recorded, personal reading done by Marina or Michelle (or another Metatron Teacher)

      Attunement video.

Metatron workbook/manual (70 pages) sent via email for you to work through independently.

 One further tutorial video (1 hour duration)


Book your course here:
Level 1 - Silver Package