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Amanda Ellis
Spiritual Teaching, Channelling, Healing, Activations and Positive Energy - linking into Archangel Metatron (my main Guide), The Ascended Masters. Angelic Realm, Galactic Realm, and Mother Earth and the Elementals. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity. This channel is for everyone of any belief system, we are inclusive, high vibe and have fun. Join us by subscribing. With Love Amanda
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September Runes, Cards - DO watch - SO Interesting. The Final Exhale!

Pluto in Capricorn's last gasp - with us till 19th November - what does it mean for you... we need to close this out properly - in fact we have no other option - it will be enforced...guidance and support for navigatigating these changes which are ultimately for our own good but may hurt or be uncomfortable in the short term Hold the line - we can do this. Messages from Archangel Metatron, Uriel, Quan Yin and The Two Maidens Includes a Rune Reading and cards Discussing the surrender of ego and 'becoming the vessel of possibility' The biggest test but also the biggest reward Remaining cool calm and collected A higher force is at play Loss and grief, but God's presence and light coming in Releasing vows and rebalancing @AmandaEllis #tarotreading #septembertarotreading #awakening #plutoincapricorn To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... Oracle decks: Wisdom of the House of Night PC Cast, Colette Baron Reid, Dreams of Gaia Tarot Ravynne Phelan, The Shamans Dream Oracle Colette Baron Reid, Kuan Yin Oracle Alana Fairchild Archangel Uriel Loving Service, Quan Yin Mercy & Compassion Healing Sprays https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 47.9K followers as of September 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

27 Years on Princess Diana Messages & Healing

Diana's messages 27 year on from her death on 31st August 1997 - including her concern for the 'everyday people', a call to come together as a community, one family and one world, and be there for each other once more. Shares a vision of a new era wanting to arrive after we let go of our old identities. Also a talk on healing the betrayal wound between sisters. Diana owns her own shame at past actions towards a few women and asks for forgiveness, By doing so she encourages others to also own past actions so that sisterhood can be birthed anew without scars of the past. Successful handling (or not) of those with high Venusian energy and its pitfalls, facing consequences and taking accountability for our actions. Diana at Althorp and her spirit when it visits - and who knows when she does. Message regards Charles and the future of a new monarchy Beacons of light awakening gridlines across the world and the St Michaels line as new energy rushes in - interesting fact I discovered after filming and mentioning Newfoundland - Newfoundland was England's first overseas colony under Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I, thus officially establishing a forerunner to the much later British Empire. Is this a sign not of a new Empire - but a new coalition of Camelot awakening across many countries?! 51:10 Meditation into the healing garden to receive blessings and grace with Diana @AmandaEllis #channelling #princessdiana #heartsquad Queen of Hearts England's Rose Memories & Remembrance Aura Spray: https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Previous Princess Diana Videos with me on this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=P... Paul Young Love of the Common People https://youtu.be/SVmjKHkgxis?si=GHZ... Oracle decks: Arthurian Tarot by Caitlin and John Matthews, Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle Cheryl Yambrach Rose The Fragrant Heavens book by Valerie Worwood To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 47.9K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

RFK Jr - A new Look, What now?

Following RFK Jr's speech last Friday and announcement to drop out of 10 seats to create a Unity movement with Donald Trump based around three areas of agreement: Freedom of Speech Childhood Chronic Illness (The most profitable thing in USA is a sick child RFKJr) War I summarise and give insights, intuitive hits and share what Spirit has been showing me about the importance of this moment. This is actually above party politics and win or lose come November USA's wake up call is here to much that has been hidden - seeds planted will now germinate and echo through the agers bringing real change - but not without personal and collective cost. Includes: Bobby Kennedy (seniors) last book given to RFK Jr to read and messages on stoicism Unifying words from RFK (The late father) A look at the archetypal energies of Donald Trump, JD Vance and RFK Jr individually and collectively 49:27 JD Vance Interesting cards... Three Alpha male energies supported by hidden and not so hidden women bringing divine feminine strength Chances come November - but the 'race' is far from over and still too close to call - this is todays snapshot - potential curve balls coming in both camps - for Trumps campaign and Kamalas (odd tower moment lurking there) Protection Needed for all players, including latest freedom of speech casualty Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, just arrested in France. A look at Camelot energies 24:42 Family Denouncement And the 'black sheep of the family' often being the chain breaker and catalyst for transformation within a family line Our role in bringing change - a truth bringer can only do so much - will we change our ways eg food choices (eg look at Dr Eric Berg's work on Seed Oils) and a call to unity "We need to love our children more than we hate each other" @AmandaEllis #rfkjr RFK Jr Full Speech: https://youtu.be/VxNAdilyqow?si=HHE... My videos on RFK Jr Pt 2 Arthur & The Knights, RFK Jr, Beckham, Merlin - We are Camelot https://youtu.be/zHYBBcSu788?si=FNG... RFK Jr - One Moment in Time https://youtu.be/8fEciJZoc5E?si=EvU... Kamala, Trump, RFK Jr Updates https://youtu.be/LgRFEtko89g?si=TbH... Theo https://youtu.be/R80tJ4lAz20?si=hUv... Don't Shut Me Down - Abba https://youtu.be/hWGWFa3jznI?si=_uY... Oracle cards: The Citadel by Fez Inkwright, Wisdom of the Avalon by Colette Baron Reid, After Tarot and Tarot Grand Luxe by Ciro Marchetti Healing & Connection Sprays: Archangel Gabriel Soul Calling & Guidance, Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness & Transmutation https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 47.9K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

Connecting with Spirits: What to Expect from Mediums

Discover the truth about communicating with passed loved ones through mediums. Learn how they connect with your parents' spirits and the misconceptions about receiving life-altering messages. Understand that they carry their unique traits even beyond the physical world. #SpiritualConnection #Mediumship #LifeAfterDeath #SpiritualGuidance #CommunicationWithSpirits #EtherealMessages #UnderstandingGrief #Afterlife #HealingJourney #FamilyBonds

Heal Your Wounds: Recognize Patterns for Growth

Discover how to identify recurring patterns in your life. This video provides insights on addressing past wounds—be it betrayal or abandonment—to facilitate healing and personal growth. Learn to nip issues in the bud for a healthier future! #HealingJourney #SelfDiscovery #EmotionalHealing #PersonalGrowth #InnerChildWork #BetrayalHealing #MentalWellness #LifePatterns #SelfReflection #GrowthMindset

Embrace the Light: Higher Timelines Await Us

Discover how this incarnation holds the highest potential for spiritual growth. Despite current challenges, the light is rising on the horizon. Join us as we explore the hopeful message from Metatron about our journey toward a brighter future. #spiritualgrowth @AmandaEllis #HigherTimeline #Metatron #LightOnTheHorizon #Transformation #HopefulFuture #RiseAndShine #PersonalDevelopment #SpiritualJourney #PositiveVibes

World Predictions - Time Stamped

Time Stamps: 2:30 Presidents Day & Guy Fawkes Night - messages for USA, including mirroring of UK and USA right now. Cards for Trump and Kamala and RFK Jr 19:30 Failing Crops - Joseph 's message - to prepare means nothing to be concerned about 26:06 King Charles 27:06 M Po * (the latest thing to scare us - don't be) 36:04 Archangel Gabriel Message - Rebuilding after Weather Events Tornados and Hurricanes 40:18 South Africa 46:12 Japan's Population U Turn 51:56 Canada - Trudeau and being on the 'wrong' timeline 1:03:17 Keir Starmer & UK 1:06 War - Iran / Israel Ukraine Russia 1:14:30 Message from Metatron @AmandaEllis #worldpredictions Previous recent video on USA is here: https://youtu.be/LgRFEtko89g?si=4cL... Previous video on UK is here: https://youtu.be/LRM-x4daXn8?si=Xg2... Please comments respectful and constructive. We need to create positive energy for better timelines - we will however be ok - trust the process, spirit and your higher self. Amanda x Tarot decks: Vision Quest Tarot Gayan Sylvie Winter & Jo Dose, The Fountain Tarot, Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, After Tarot Tarot Grand Luxe by Ciro Marchetti Healing & Connection Sprays: Archangel Gabriel Soul Calling & Guidance, Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness & Transmutation https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 47.9K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

Navigating Connection: Gen Z's Struggle with Communication

Explore how Gen Z navigates the complexities of human connection in a digital world. This video highlights the challenges they face in building support networks and the impact of technology on their communication skills. Can we find a balance? Watch to learn more! #GenZ #DigitalCommunication #HumanConnection #SupportNetwork #SocialMediaImpact #GenZStruggles #EmotionalIntelligence #TechAndRelations #ConnectionCrisis #ParentingGenerations

I Know you're in Pain - & Pick a Pile

With Full Moon in Aquarius a few days off, many people are experiencing great changes right now bringing challenge and upheaval - so prompted by a viewers request today I thought I would bring some teaching through on navigating choppy waters, feeling adrift or not at home. Including guidance for feeling detached from spirit or feeling you have been given 'a slap in the face' and can't cope - plus messages to get you back on track. We look too at the worthiness and mother wound and how you do have the strength to prevail no matter what. Focussing on support networks and community. This video also includes 4 separate readings but you are welcome to watch all 4 - there may though be one message that pulls you more than the others; 32:40 Explaining the 4 piles 41:25 Pile 1 Gaia Oracle and Higher Self Spray 49:30 Pile 2 Earth Magic Oracle and White Sage Spray 34:10 Pile 3 Sacred Rebels Oracle and Magenta Bridge Spray 56:46 Pile 4 Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle and New Light Spray (you could substitute Sunrise New Dawn spray instead) Ending with collective messages and charms @AmandaEllis #Archangel Metatron #Aquariusfullmoon #pickacardtarotreading All featured sprays are here: Higher Self Connection & Alignment https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Magenta Bridge Time & Self Mastery https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... White Sage Smudging & Clearance https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Sunrise New Dawn Spray (substitute for New Light Spray) https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Other decks used: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron Reid and Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor My Earth Changes Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=P... To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 47.9K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

End wanting to know the Future! You never will

In this video, explore the powerful concept of accepting uncertainty in our lives. Learn why not having all the answers can lead to personal growth and inner peace. Embrace the shift of ages and discover how to navigate the unknown gracefully. #emotionalwellness @AmandaEllis #PersonalGrowth #Mindfulness #AcceptingUncertainty #InnerPeace #LifeShifts #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualGrowth #FindingCalm #InnerStrength

Let Go Old Earth to New Earth The Crucible Stage

Important Messages from Archangel Metatron & Commander Ashtar Discussing carrying the world's problems, and old earth energies, letting go of the pressure. Referencing the Greek God Atlas who carried the globe on his back. Many reports of cranial issues, tension, aches, pain - seem to be centred around the Alta Major chakra point - (my earlier video on AM is below). The kinked chakra system that needs re-alignment back to '12 o'clock setting' - is this mirroring titling shifting poles? Looking at repeating patterns and not learning from them - the trick is to see them before they re-land and heal and deal with them: Looking at repeating patterns in nature - Volcanos, Eruptions, Tidal Phenomena, Nuclear warnings Taking back our power to help thwart and prevent blow outs including our emotional ones: Using Nikola Tesla's 369 number magic (see my earlier video with Tesla below) Archetypal energies of old earth versus new earth - and how we bridge the two. Also looking at the collapse of the Ihuatzio pyramid in Mexico and its symbolic meaning for civilisation going forward. Ending with guidance from Commander Ashtar and realignment back to our "strongest anchor and best antenna" @AmandaEllis #Awakening #awakening #altamajor #archangelmetatron #ashtar Urban Crow Oracle by MJ Cullinane, The Citadel Oracle by Fez Inkwright and Mystical Shaman Oracle, Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor Faith Over Feelings deck @thereckoningco Healing and Connection Sprays: Teal Alta Major Chakra https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Cosmos Elemental Spray to expand into the new https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... My earlier Alta Major Video - Aligning Merkaba points & Alta Major https://youtu.be/FCWri1AgFOQ?si=ycM... My Nikola Tesla 369 Video: https://youtu.be/eWGejZ23-qM?si=hL9... To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 48K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

Lemuria - What we were and will be again

Lemurian transmission via a lemurian starseed crystal @AmandaEllis Taken from this video https://youtu.be/f_dVB8KPkSA?si=Yfk... . #LettingGo #Rediscovery #FindWhatMatters #GracefulLiving #UnityInDiversity #LoveAndCompassion #MeaningfulLife #Fulfillment #SelfGrowth #Inspiration

Your Higher Self is your Super Power

Discover the untapped power within your soul as this video reveals the secrets to embrace your inner strength and overcome any challenges. Learn how to rise like a warrior and reignite your lion heart to conquer every obstacle in your path. @AmandaEllis Archangel Metatron Higher Self Aura Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... . #SoulEnergy #RiseLikeAWarrior #InnerStrength #MotivationMonday #EmbraceYourPower #SelfDiscovery #ConquerChallenges #LionHeart #OvercomeObstacles #EmpoweringJourney

The Lionsgate Portal Pt 1 Cosmic Phenomenon and Spiritual Activation

Discover what the Lionsgate Portal is and how it influences our lives. The longer video for this year is here: https://youtu.be/f_dVB8KPkSA?si=CDr... #LionsgatePortal #CosmicEvent #SpiritualActivation #August8th #LeoEnergy #SiriusStar #TransformationJourney #AstrologyInsights #PowerfulEnergy #SpiritualAwakening

Lions Gate 888 Messages And Activations

Every year I offer up a Lions Gate video - this year's triple 8 numerological energy is particularly powerful but also a catalyst to push through the darkest challenges and energy to the light. Any portal where 'two or more are gathered in my name' is powerful - so join us.. Not an easy energetic run up - this is recorded on 5th August and the corridor between now and close of Lions Gate on around the 12th August is tricky. Guidance for staying in the light, being the peaceful warrior, sacrificial energy to rebirth, harnessing the lion and lamb energies within - and messages from: King Arthur Commander Ashtar Archangel Metatron Lemurian transmission Higher Self Jesus Includes teaching, activations and prayers. I wish you and the world a good Lions Gate - no matter what light will always prevail. @AmandaEllis #lionsgate #888 #portals Oracle Decks: The Art of Love Tarot by Toni Carmine Salerno, The Lemurian Starchild Oracle by Leanne Carpenter & Michael Kroon https://www.lemurianstarchildoracle... The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle By Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Healing & Connection Sprays King Arthur The Holy Grail Return of Camelot https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Archangel Metatron Connection Higher Self Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Commander Ashtar Galactic Command Platinum Ray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Grounding Candle https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Lion Artwork - Facebook ArtbyMary7 ArtbyMary7@gmail.com To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ama... My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 48K followers as of August 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angelicce... I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too! Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

A prayer for Unity and Healing

Discover the power of restoring hope and igniting change in our communities. Together, let's leave violence and disorder behind and embrace effective governance, communication, and trust. Join us as we explore the path to a brighter future filled with peace, harmony, and forward-thinking initiatives. #RestoringHope #IgnitingChange #UnityAndHealing #EffectiveGovernance #CommunicationMatters #CommunityInitiatives #BrighterFuture #PeaceAndHarmony #ForwardThinking #PathToChange

Tinderbox Energies - UK Calling for Calm

Impromptu video at Archangel Metatron's request - no prep just a raw and real time response recorded in light of todays violent unrest in UK - many of the issues are relevant to other countries. Looking at likely response by the PM, and the importance of HOPE in the collective. Dark days for the UK but hold the faith and come together as one - let us light a candle for PEACE. Remember we all belong to each other. Ends with a prayer. Features importance of amethyst right now as a crystal healer. Poem from The We'Moon Diary Debra Hall Waxing Quarter Hope Positive Mindset Aura Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Sapphire Peace & Reconciliation Aura Spray https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.... Amanda x

Twin Flames Healing Wounds & Upgrades

Discover how the divine masculine and divine feminine are healing their wounds to realign on their journey. Explore the significance of the 8/8 portal in bringing Twin Flames back on track and restoring balance. #TwinFlames #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #HealingJourney #SpiritualGuidance #SoulConnection #TwinFlameUnion #SpiritualAwakening #LoveEternal #SoulmateConnection
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