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colour_numerology.jpgUsing the Colour Mirrors system we identify and analyse numbers and colours related to:

  • Your Life Path according to the date you were born
  • Life experiences you attract through your name and surname
  • What your business name and logo is saying about your products, services and you

Colour and numerology allows us to choose or modify our names to fit the intention and expectations of our life and businesses so that we only attract what we would like to experience and at the same time be aware of where we can learn and grow with the lessons presented through the numbers and colours.

We focus on personal name and surname you use on a daily basis to analyse the current experiences you are attracting into your life. If you are getting married and changing your name, submit both your maiden and new name to analyse how your experiences are going to change.  We can also analyse a potential change of first names or reverting back to your maiden name. To find out more about your life path, send your date of birth and your names to Soul Reading .

Every time we market our business using its name, a message goes out that is received at a subtle level and influences those who hears, reads or writes the business name.  That message carries information about your services, products, you as a manager/owner, what results your business promises and your internal policies/procedures.   Submit the name of your business and logo colours to request a reading using the Business Name Reading.

 If you require more information please email Moira via the Contact Form