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Marissa JeffreysMetatron Colour Healing Practitioner - Pennsylvania, USA
Mobile - 0041 77 508 29 39
Youtube - Grow in the Flow
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/grow_in_the_flow/
Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website - https://www.growintheflow.site
Linktr.ee -https://linktr.ee/Growintheflow


Hi! My name is Marissa. I am so grateful to you for stopping by my page. About 10 years ago, I began consciously walking a spiritual path and became a perpetual student of the Tarot (I can’t believe it’s been over a decade!) The Tarot, as well as many other amazing tools I have explored on this path, have been an integral part of embracing my intuitive & empathic nature. On this path with me are my husband, 4 children and a puppy named Cooper...so I have discovered that it’s really all about using those spiritual tools to find balance and being in flow as best you can. That’s a process that can be challenging, messy, loud, hectic, and so much more. This is where I have found these words to ring so true: When we practice the art of everyday spirituality, we can learn to experience life with grace and ease. It can be magic in the most down to earth, real way.

  As one of my main guides, Archangel Metatron has been an integral part of my spiritual path. While I wasn’t always aware of his presence, I realize now that his guidance has been steadfast throughout my life. Though I hesitate to use labels, and it has taken me some time to own certain aspects of my nature, I have come to embrace some terms such as “Indigo-Empath-Intuitive”. It was in my quest to understand these sensitivities that I first saw Metatron’s name mentioned as a protector and guide of the “Indigo Children”. From that time on, there were no coincidences as I followed the spiritual breadcrumbs, discovering Amanda’s teachings several years ago and found myself “at home” in this beautiful energy and community. I completed level 1 in 2019 and it has truly been divine timing as I have been exploring, expanding and creating. Last August, I took the huge step out of my shell to create my blog/website and Instagram page and settled on calling it “Grow in the Flow” (@grow_in_the_flow) based on that beautiful phrase “Grow through, what you go through” and as I have progressed through level 2, I see how Metatron has continually brought through that message of “going with the flow” and gave me that foundation to build from my own experiences and making it into something of loving service that I can offer to others. More on my journey with Metatron can be found on this blog post. I must also give a shout out to Archangel Sandalphon – I find his energy to be so “down to earth” and nature and music (as well as shameless movie references) are a regular feature in my posts on Instagram!

I offer Metatron Colour Healings both in person and at a distance as well as recorded video relaxation/meditations with Metatron and Sandalphon for cord cutting, energetic cord boosting and more. Each healing is unique and customized to the individual’s needs as directed by Metatron. Whether a healing is in person or at a distance, sacred space is always prepared for the client. A healing altar with intuitively chosen oracle cards, crystals, color and energy sprays are among some of the tools that may be brought in to infuse the session with love, light and healing energy for the highest good.  Metatron Colour Healings also include a handmade macrame necklace/crystal keeper as my gift to the client.  This necklace will be infused with all of the sprays and healing energies of the session. Additionally, my Empowered Tarot readings always incorporate color, Metatron healing energy sprays and other Divinely guided elements. A full menu of offerings may be viewed on my website.   

I have been blessed to encounter so many gifted healers, teachers and fellow light workers along the way and I am so grateful for the wisdom they have shared with me. It is my wish to be able to share these gifts with all who seek a more grounded, practical approach to authentically living life IN THE FLOW, with intention and from a place of self-empowerment and awareness. I am humbled and so honored to be able to bring that through the amazing, transformational energies of Archangel Metatron.

  For more information on how we can work together, please check out my website. I look forward to connecting with you!  

Many Blessings!    
~ Marissa  

Grow in the Flow
  “Grow through what you flow through