• Amanda Ellis

    Spiritual Teacher, Angelic & Celestial Channel
    & Colour Intuitive

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He is concentrating on looking at colours based around the Chinese 5 Element Theory, a system of looking at and analysing the world and human body that goes back 2,000 years in Chinese medicine.

In Chinese 5 Element Theory different colours are associated with different organs of the body, these being:

Red - with the Heart

Green - With the Liver

Black - with the Kidneys

White - with the Lungs

Yellow - with the Spleen

No results are yet available - so we will have to wait for a while, but I am sure they will clearly show the power of colour as a healing vibration.

I asked Dr Emoto if he was looking at exploring the relationship between different colour vibrations and their effect on the body's chakra centres. His reply was that the Chakra System is not one he has studied up till now - but to use his own words "Although I haven't studied the chakras, there would I'm sure be a relationship with the Chakras and key colour vibrations - because if something has been learned and studied for thousands of years (as the Chakras have) there must be universal truth in it".

Dr Emoto believes that colour needs to be used carefully so that it exactly matches the vibration of what it is attempting to heal. To not understand the power of colour could be potentially harmful, as you could create discord between the vibration of the cells within the body and the vibration of colour exposed to it.

This backs up one of the leading principals of the colour therapy system that I use and teach 'Colour Mirrors' - which is that colour should be self selective. Within Colour Mirrors therapy (which utilises coloured water and oils) the client is always the one that picks the colour they need, and most of the time they are doing this by accessing the power of their subconscious mind which knows exactly which vibration is needed, at any one time.   This also explains why you can be attracted to a colour one day, and dislike it the next - the vibrations within your body have changed, and your colour choice reflects that.

As a Colour Therapist myself I was interested in his opinion on bathing in coloured waters - and what effect such water would have on our physical bodies - as again this is a key premise of the Colour Mirrors system - that you bath in the coloured water & oil products, that in turn have been instilled with not just colour, but words, and other elements, maybe angelic, elemental or even dragon energy.

Dr Emoto states that "It is true that bathing in coloured water will affect our cells, but to bathe in colour it needs to contain a comprehensive vibration that is ideal for everybody, and that is the vibration of love and gratitude, and I would imagine 'Love' to be Pink and 'Gratitude' to be Green".
I had earlier asked Dr Emoto what his favourite colours were - and so it was no surprise to hear they were at the moment Pink and Green!

As a Colour Therapist I also found his favourite colours very revealing as both pink and green are both the colours of the Heart Chakra. Within Colour Mirrors theory Green is the 3rd dimensional colour of the heart chakra, and Pink the 4th dimensional colour, expanding beyond conditional love to unconditional love - someone who is able to give and receive love freely. This was perfectly summed up by Dr Emoto during his seminar where he said "I am giving this talk with love, and I am receiving gratitude from all of you that are hearing it, and that sustains me".

I suspect that circle of love gives him all he needs, and his work is certainly 100% heart centered - clearly very much a family man, but also one who realises he is a man belonging to the world. I loved his story of the symbol on his t-shirt that he always wears when he travels, which is illustrated here, and once again shows his heart centeredness and reason why green and pink the colours of love are so appropriate for him:

waryuu in circle-M

The artwork is drawn by a painter named Wa Ryu. In Japanese Wa means harmony, as well as being an ancient name for Japan itself, and is also symbolic of the word Peace. Dr Emoto also explained that the Dragon is a god of water in Japan, and his wife's name Kazu shares the Same Chinese character as Wa. He said that he always wear this symbol next to his heart so that he can feel close to his wife even when they are apart.

His Emoto Peace Project where he aims to freely give copies of his book about the consciousness of water to children is aimed at educating the next generation out of war, and into peace, and was inspired by the birth of his first grandson.

The vibration of his favorite heart centred colours is all around him - he emits the energy of love - and that is the most powerful force in the universe.

As an expression of my thanks and gratitude for meeting him, I gave him the gift of one of my bottles of coloured oil and water. The bottle which is number 25 within the Colour Mirrors System is a Turquoise over Yellow combination, which is all about Trust / Faith and Discrimination and Analysis. Here is a picture of him holding it, and asking me questions about it.

interview emoto

I thought the words that are within this bottle are perfect for a man who has managed so perfectly to combine the scientific approach whilst also being in the flow of trust, intuition and his spirituality (although he maintains he is a non spiritual ordinary man - but I think most of us who saw him agree to differ with him on that one!)

Bottle 25 Message for Dr Emoto - This is the time to move beyond judgment. Begin to see how the flow and your faith have always taken you exactly where you needed to be. Discrimination is seeing clearly and making decisions from a basis of strength. This is totally opposite to choosing from a fear-based judgment.
You have been given the ability to analyse so that you might understand the differences between things without giving them a good or bad label. Use your intuition and trust that you will always be where you are the most useful and begin to trust and be at peace with life. At the deepest level learn to discriminate, analyse and then follow your bliss, which is the easiest way to be in the flow. This has all the potential for new planet living.

Although as I have stated normally the person would choose their own colour combination - but I had intuitively used my judgement in this particular circumstance, although interestingly I also nearly bought him the pink Heart Chakra bottle which would have been perfect too.    

He was particularly interested in how we manage to get the words into each bottle. I told him that there is a written message that goes with each bottle, but it is the intention with which they are made that creates the vibration of the words within each one - which he seemed satisfied with as an answer!

In Dr Emotos seminar he played us a sequence of ice crystal photographs that showed what happens when the crystals are exposed to music - the track chosen was John Lennon's 'Imagine'. You could clearly see the crystals expanding and transforming into more and more beautiful expanded shapes as the music progressed.

We know from existing colour work that when colour is sprayed in to a person's aura the aura expands in a similar way. I would love to see Dr Emoto doing similar experiments exposing existing ice crystal to different colours, and seeing what happens. I would hypothesise that those colours with more light (pale pinks, pale golds, silvers) would show the greatest expansion, and darker colours which contain less light would have smaller growths. But we'll have to see if he does such work in the future. At present his work with colour as a vibratory energy is new and I hope will continue to grow (excuse the pun!)

He has already done experimentation into the effect of prayer, and energy healing on to water - and so the layering of colour I am sure will add another very important dimension to his and our understanding of how we can best heal.

During Dr Emotos seminar he talked about the need for and use of both western mainstream medicine and also complimentary alternative medicine (he himself is a Doctor of Alternative Medicine). He stated that for disease to manifest within the physical body is often a process that takes 5-10 years. Before that the vibration of illness works its way through our atoms, molecules, cells and organs until it appears outwardly as disease. But the main thing that starts off this chain reaction is our word and consciousness (something he refers to as Hado). If we can keep our word and consciousness clear and healthy (and the main way to do this is to embody both Love and Gratitude within us) we can stop this process of degeneration and illness from starting.

What western medicine can treat at end stage (ie physical illness manifested) alternative medicine can stop or slow at earlier cellular stages, and this is where vibratory healing and agents such as colour, crystals and sound can come in. It is a case of matching the vibration within the body to that coming into it from an external source "Two matching vibrations will cancel each other out, this is how resonance can cure the body of disease".

This is particularly true given that Dr Emoto said that every 3 months the cells within our body renew themselves - so are we going to give them a positive new instruction or a negative one?

Dr Emoto clearly shows that it is water itself that is the "messenger of god". By this he means water is the creative force within the universe and ourselves - we can use it for good, and keep ourselves well by instructing the water within our bodies and on the earth with the vibration of Love and Gratitude, or we can harm ourselves and the earth by disrespecting it, or at worst ignoring its power. It is a god given agent to heal - so we must use it consciously every day to bring peace not just to ourselves but the world.

I ended by talking to Dr Emoto about the terrible flooding that has taken place across much of the UK (including my home town of Bournemouth) as well as many other parts of Europe this past year. I wondered what his feelings were about this:

"With regard flooding, you need to live in peace - because water always reflects our soul. So when a place is in flood and another one is in drought - that is a reflection of people's minds, and what they have manifested."

By this he of course doesn't mean we have asked for or dreamed in flood or drought, but simply we are out of balance. It strikes me that where much of the world is in drought - they are often areas where the global community has taken too much (whether in natural resources, such as oil, or just though taking too much food so other parts of the world have none). They therefore have to live with the consequences.

Equally many flood hit communities are in lands where the community has too much, and has become less good at expressing 'gratitude' for what they have - this is probably true for much of Britain.

If water is a messenger of God as Dr Emoto maintains then we need to love and express thanks to the water - in ourselves (because we are mainly water) and around us. I was particularly touched by his references to life and death - to love our life and be grateful for it, but also at the moment of our death to express our gratitude for our time here too - what a beautiful thought....

"If we don't know about water, how can we understand ourselves, because we are water? If however, we love water, and send gratitude to it, water will love us back"

(Dr Masaru Emoto, Bournemouth 2013)

More on Dr Masaru Emotos work can be found at his website;


His website also has much more information on his Peace Project - which is a very worthwhile cause to support.

With Love and Gratitude for everyone that has read this!

Amanda Ellis

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