• Amanda Ellis

    Spiritual Teacher, Angelic & Celestial Channel
    & Colour Intuitive

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The saying that ‘the only thing Evil needs is for good people to do nothing’ is very true….

But the question is what are we meant to be doing from a spiritual perspective?!

We first need to realise that none of us are totally at peace – we carry Ancestral, Racial and Country specific pain and memory. If you are born into a country that has used war as a tool through the ages it is in your DNA whether you like it or not. This helps make sense of the fact we can both want peace but also at a low or vulnerable place can also seek revenge as our first response.

It is why my laid back loving gentle husband wants to ‘beat the **** out of the terrorists’ – he doesn’t of course really, but it is an inbuilt survival mechanism when our world feels threatened. And most of us still have this first response …if you think you don’t – think how you would FIRST respond to a loved one being killed by a named Terrorist with a face and identity – not just a blanket name such as Isis. Face to face with evil hurting someone you love – most of us would struggle with feeling peace and forgiveness at first, and the old adage of an eye to an eye isn’t far from the surface.

Yet as Ghandi said ‘an eye for an eye makes the world blind’…

Archangel Metatron reminds us that this dichotomy is about personal and collective evolution.  We have to realise our place in the great scheme of things – this earth has known no other way but war to settle scores since time began on it, and we have likely been part of it in past lives – and we were not always the good guy!

However, what we can hope to achieve in THIS lifetime is to plant lasting seeds of hope that show there are other ways to deal with our problems.

It is the same at micro personal level. A person that uses his or her fists to settle an argument needs to find another way of being – just as much as the wider world does.

Whole generations are growing up in certain parts of the world to learn that war and bloodshed is inevitable – it isn’t – but that ideological change has to start with us.

It starts with the father and husband who after losing his partner in the Paris shootings declared You want me to be scared, to view my countrymen with mistrust, to sacrifice my liberty for my security. You lost. I will not give you my hate".

It is thousands of pairs of shoes left in Paris as peaceful protest calling for tough action against Climate Change…and it is in one single man with a piano playing Imagine by John Lennon outside the Bataclan Theatre a day after so many were murdered there.

It is also about the multi faith / multi race pulling together in unity rather than division

It is in peace and forgiveness being a quality you strive for EVEN IF it isn’t your first response.

It is in being at peace with yourself and laying down any arms in our own personal wars – building bridges where they are needed in relationships that are broken or fragmented, and realising our experience of this world is built on mindset and heart space – make sure both of yours are as pure and healed as possible.

Archanagel Metatron also asks us to look to the children….war is the one of the biggest things to heal on our planet and it will take time. But he reminds us that this new generation of children are already doing well in making real changes to ecology, and other areas of 3D living we as an older generation have failed to solve.

It’s in the way my daughters tell me off if I leave the water running too long, or the lights blazing – they have inbuilt protectiveness of earths resources and their place within it.

It’s in a child who cannot comprehend cruelty to an animal and indeed will not tolerate (again in my own home my daughter is fuming if I accidentally kill a fly or wasp) – the point is she sees all of life as sacred. This generation are our best hope – nurture them – help them to see a positive peaceful example, given by you. It is the best gift we can give to ourselves and the world this Christmas tide.

With Love and thanks for being with me in 2015. See you next year.

Metatron Blessings for your holiday season and as Metatron says in my video this month ‘let no one or nothing dim your joy’…it is still a BEAUTIFUL WORLD.

Amanda x

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