• Amanda Ellis

    Spiritual Teacher, Angelic & Celestial Channel
    & Colour Intuitive

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April 2014 - Rare Astrological Alignemnts, Metatron warning of Challenges (see my latest video) - so what can we do to prepare and look after ouselves.
This months newsletter talks about what Metatron means by using colour in opur lives, as well as activating our lightbodies, and news on new Archangel Metatron Sprays - including Bluebell and Rainbow Bridge and Emerald and Midnight - the very latest energies...

Opening to Rainbow Energy - what does this mean?!


A bumper newsletter this month as I missed March and a lot has happened, March for me was a busy month - two new Archangel Metatron Sprays launched - one for helping people with Loss & Grief (Bluebell Bridge) and one for helping those close to passing over - and helping their spirit be free called Rainbow Bridge. Both have proved very popular. The Bluebell Bridge one is multipurpose and can be used when grieving someone we love as well as helping with other areas of loss that we experience in life eg. relationship break up, changing life states eg Empty Nest Syndrome, Menopause and moving away from fertile years etc. It is also great for helping those who may have experienced miscarriage or anything where we are left feeling bereft and needing support.

I have also just made an additional two new sprays which were birthed out of my recent visit to Northern Ireland and Belfast in particular.
There is a new Emerald Green spray for Renewal and Recovery, and a Midnight Black Spray for facing our Shadow and deepest fears, and healing them. Take a look at the channelled messages that go with them on the shop page.Click Here
Please keep a look out on my facebook page - Angelic Celestial Colours as I update there most days on all the developments.

In the meantime a question I had been asked recently was this:

"In meditation recently Metatron said I should use the rainbow to open my energy, what does this mean"?


Ok so here goes....
As hard as it is to believe when you condense down all the cells into the smallest atoms within the human body what you are left with is LIGHT. Quantum Physics backs this up time and time again.
In Colour Therapy, what we teach is that Colour is Light in different wavelengths. It emanates from our sun and is broken down into the different colours through an interaction with the cones within the eye which respond to the three primary colours Red, Blue and Yellow. The lens within the eye also acts as a prism creating the full spectrum of light that we perceive with our eyes.
It is not just our eyes that are able to see colour.
Our bodies themselves absorb light all the time - indeed without light we get ill and our bodies suffer.

The chakras or energy centres within the body all traditionally are associated with different colours. This is established thinking dating back thousands of years, so we have Red for Base Chakra, Green for the Heart etc.
However as we all evolve spiritually our bodies are absorbing new high frequency light that is coming into our planet all the time - whether from Solar or Lunar Activity or periods where portals open to let through healing light from other realms -21/12/12 was one of the famous ones - but there are many portal periods, including the whole of April 2014 where we have a rare, powerful and energetic astrological event happening called the Cardinal Grand Cross, as well as a Lunar eclipse.

These portals or times when new light floods into our world have a significant effect on our physical body. It results not just in what is called Light Body activation (see more later) but the colours that our bodies respond to actually changing too.
We are effectively being fed with light which in some new children being born is also resulting in changes to our DNA and cellular structures. The more this happens in our young the more it ripples out to all of us who are tuned to a high enough frequency.

Diana Cooper in 1999 was the first one that I know of to start talking about these changing colours and what we call 3rd dimensional, 4th dimensional and 5th dimensional colours. Effectively what the different dimensions refer to is a move away from material ‘me’ centred thinking to unity consciousness, unconditional love and a higher evolved state of being - and different colours can reflect these different states. There are higher vibrational colours still above 5D - but most are not yet spiritually evolved enough to be able to hold them – to do so requires for example an absence of judgement, anger and other such qualities that many of us still struggle with.

Archangel Metatron talks about all our chakras becoming rainbow coloured - this however is the end goal of a fully realised light body – and we are not there yet.

By talking about colours changing or indeed rainbow light this isn't just about how they look but what they represent. All colours have a different meaning and a different quality. Pink for example stands for Love, Green for Growth (amongst many other attributes) and so if you put Green and Pink at the heart you double the blend of qualities the colour is drawing into the body. In the new Metatron Chakra sprays that I make I was told to deliberately change some of the chakra colours - so for instance we have Pink at the Solar Plexus (where as before traditionally it was always Gold or Yellow) - this doesn't mean that Gold and Yellow are no longer needed, it is just that Metatron wants our bodies to get used to new colours where presently we are just stuck on one part of the colour spectrum. In a way it is a case of 'shaking things up' - getting our bodies ready for change, stimulation and new frequencies.

By using the rainbow to maintain our energy system - he is talking about YOU becoming the colours - not only in integrating more of them (whether by visualisation, meditation, sprays, scarves or crystals etc) but by embodying those colours. So if you integrate pink into the Solar Plexus - you have to become a LOVING powerful person - not just power on its own that the yellow can imply at this chakra.


An easy way to integrate the rainbow is this :

Ask Metatron to be with you and for complete protection.
Feel your feet on the floor and the connection to Mother Earth.
Put roots down into the ground via visualising them, then pull up the earth’s energy through your feet, and into your ankles.
Become aware of each chakra within the body gently opening - visualise each in turn unfolding.
Relax your body as you do this.
Work your way up through:
Solar Plexus
Higher Heart
Third Eye

At your crown become aware of Metatrons presence and as he stands beside you he pours down over you rainbow light from a vessel that he carries.
You feel this rainbow light going over you and through you - pushing it down through each chakra and down your spine.
Also pushing or breathing it down through your arms, hands, fingers and thumbs.
Pushing it down through your legs and feet into the earth.
Until all you can feel is rainbow light flowing through you from above and into your body and then any surplus into the earth.
When complete thank Metatron and open your eyes.

The original question was ‘How do I open my energy body with the rainbow’ – and this is what he means. It also means YOU being the Rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth – and being a conductor for that multi coloured light into the earth.

Opening your body with colour is also about starting to consciously use colour every day to interpret the world and respond to it.
If you are confronted by ridicule or scepticism will you fight back with the red ray of anger, frustration and suppressed rage or with Gold – seeing it as an opportunity to be a mirror to the other offering wisdom and love...or maybe you will answer with Magenta light – which is ‘the divine in me sees the divine in you’...

Colour heals and supports and makes sense of the world we live in.

It is a visual medium and over the years I have been working with clients and colour I have seen visual manifestation before my eyes of what Metatron means by opening up to Rainbow light. A client walking in first time may be stooped, low, shrouded in black or dark clothing – giving off the energy – ‘please don’t notice me, or let me stand out...just let me hide away’.
By the end of a few treatments they are staright backed, will look you in the eye and the colours they come in wearing are a joy to the eye – because they WANT to be seen – because why wouldn’t you once you have reclaimed back your power and light. That is the gift that colour therapy gives and it is priceless.

My next Colour course is in June – please look at the Events Page on my website. Click here for next Colour Course
My ongoing Colour Therapy work also involves the beautiful Metatron colour healing sprays which I make, as well as one on one consultations and healing sessions.
Metatron is about bringing you out of the darkness into the light – and when you open your eyes you see the world and you in its multi coloured glory.
Get in touch if you want to learn or experience more.

I wish you a good April - for those that haven't seen it Metatrons Message for April is on my You Tube channel Amanda Ellis 11 - and deals with facing the challenges of this months Grand Cross Alignment....better to be prepared.

Amanda x

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